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You can still contact us via 1300 617 058 or please direct your enquiries to our online contact us form or lodge a request via Online Services.


Please note that Council's Customer Service Centre phone number (02 9806 5050) is currently not working.

You can still contact us via 1300 617 058 or please direct your enquiries to our online contact us form or lodge a request via Online Services.

What is Heritage?

Archaeological Sites

Historical archaeology is the study of the past using physical evidence in conjunction with historical sources. It focuses on the objects used by people in the past and the places where they lived and worked. It can tell us about the way things were made and used and how people lived their daily lives.

Confirmed and potential archaeological sites in the area have been identified as providing important evidence of Parramatta's history and growth. Some of these sites may also be listed as heritage items.

An important resource document for managing these archaeological resources is the Parramatta Historical Archaeological Landscape Management Study (PHALMS), a comprehensive study of European archaeological resources in the area where Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 28 – Parramatta applies.

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