World Environment Day

World Environment Day

Beeswax Workshop (SOLD OUT)

June 15th 11am-1pm

Come and explore the world of DIY Beeswax Wraps in our workshop! We will show you how to use fabrics you already have at home to create sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to plastic wrap. Join us and learn how to make these versatile wraps that are ideal for keeping food fresh and reducing waste in your kitchen.

Please note participants must 18+ to attend this event.


Zero Waste Cooking Class (SOLD OUT)

June 15th 10am-12pm

Session 1: Pancake whenever possible! Master Eastern European-style crepes and transform surplus ingredients into delightful treats. 
Session 2: Leaf it up to me: Dinner! Discover savoury delights using vegetable leaves and learn the art of the perfect omelette. 

Please note participants must 18+ to attend this event.


The Frog Hotel - Book Now

June 15th 2pm-4pm

Unleash your creativity at our dynamic workshop, where you'll transform upcycled materials and local plants into eco-friendly frog hotels! Craft unique urban refuges that provide safe havens for frogs to shelter and breed making a real difference in their survival.

Please note participants must 8+ to attend this event.


Weaving Workshop - Book Now

June 16th 9am-11am

In this hands-on workshop led by a Koori Kinnections Facilitator, you'll learn how to weave using traditional methods. You'll use a range of traditional and contemporary resources to make a bracelet or cord. Discover resources traditionally used to weave and learn what can be produced using these techniques. 

Please note participants must 8+ to attend this event.


The Eco-Bag Painting Workshop (SOLD OUT)

June 16th 1pm-4pm

Join us for an eco-painting workshop with the talented and inspiring Wiradjuri Birpai man Wayde Clarke, who is also a member of the queer Aboriginal community. His art is a powerful exploration of identity, culture, and self-discovery that will leave you inspired and moved. Under the guidance of Wayde, you will learn valuable tips and techniques for eco-painting and create your very own tote bag. You'll be able to express yourself in a relaxing and nurturing environment.

Please note participants must 8+ to attend this event.


Free Events, Phive
09:00am - 04:00am
5 Parramatta Square, Parramatta New South Wales 2150