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Policies and Guidelines

Guidelines for using the libraries

These guidelines have been established in accordance with the Library Act 1939 and NSW Library Regulation 2018 (NSW)

While attending the library, customers are expected to:

(a) always treat Council officers and other customers with respect and courtesy;
(b) treat Library facilities, equipment, and collections with due care;
(c) assist Council to understand their needs when seeking services;
(d) participate in programs and activities in a spirit of co-operation; and
(e) follow appropriate directions given by Council officers, including directions to leave the Library.

Child Safety

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City of Parramatta Libraries are committed to safeguarding children’s wellbeing by adopting strategies and acting to put the interests of children first to keep them safe from harm.

Parents and guardians are responsible for their children’s behaviour, wellbeing, and care, including while using the Library’s services, facilities, Internet, and while attending programs. If Council becomes aware of any unaccompanied children that could be considered at risk in a public space or who become disruptive in their use of the Library, Council will attempt to contact parents or guardians in the first instance. Library workers also have duty to report potentially at-risk children to appropriate authorities.


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Smoking and vaping is not permitted in the library.

Food and drink

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Food snacks and non-alcoholic drinks in spill-proof or covered containers may be consumed within the library, except:

(a) when using library equipment (e.g. computers, printers, and audio-visual equipment); or
(b) when using the Local Studies Collection

Your right to privacy

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Application for library membership requires you to provide personal information.

Any personal information provided by you will be used by Council or its agents to process this application.

The provision of this information is voluntary, however, if you do not provide the information Council will be unable to process your application.

Once collected by Council, the information can be accessed by you and may also be available to third parties in accordance with Council’s Access to Information Policy.

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