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Community Engagement - Have Your Say

Annual Community Satisfaction Survey

Each year we survey our residents to understand how satisfied they are with Council’s overall performance as well as a range of Council services and facilities as shown below.



The most recent survey was run between 2 October and 30 November 2023. It was promoted through channels such as Council's rates notice, e-newsletters including City News and Participate Parramatta, and via social media. A total of 1,917 responses were received.

Overall satisfaction with the performance of Council has improved since 2022 (up from 3.30 to 3.39 out of 5). Satisfaction has either remained stable or increased for most Council services, facilities, and initiatives.

Our relationship with the community, which includes our communications, engagement, and customer service remain areas of importance and opportunity. 

An infographic of the 2023 survey results can be found below.

Previous survey results



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