Sustainability opportunities
Council offers a range of opportunities for individuals, schools, community and businesses to be more sustainable.
Find out more:
A great city grows better every day
Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy is putting in place the thinking, planning and actions to ensure that the City grows economically, while also creating vibrant, smart, resilient neighbourhoods, and great places to play.
The Strategy focuses on four key themes:
Select each key theme above to learn about the environmental priorities, goal for the future, why it is important, what Council is currently doing and what the future actions are.
2023 Local Government NSW Awards
(Back to top)Parramatta recognised for environmental achievements
The City of Parramatta has reaffirmed its green credentials, with two projects highly commended at this year’s LGNSW Excellence in the Environment awards in Sydney (Local Government NSW).
Council’s civic, community and cultural hub, PHIVE at 5 Parramatta Square was acknowledged at the awards for sustainable infrastructure.
The City’s efforts to improve water quality at Milson Park was recognised in the water management category.
Opened in September 2022, PHIVE link to here please is a 6-Star Green Star, carbon neutral building powered by 100% renewable electricity, encapsulating Council’s commitment to careful environmental consideration through its construction and operation.
Milson Park is an urban catchment-scale stormwater treatment project at Westmead delivered by the City of Parramatta and Sydney Water. For information about the Revitalising Milson Park project visit Milson Park Master Plan page.
2022 Local Government NSW Awards
(Back to top)City of Parramatta green programs win gold at the 2022 Local Government NSW Awards
Two of the City of Parramatta’s innovative environmental sustainability programs have been recognised at the 2022 Local Government NSW's Excellence in the Environment Awards.
Our ‘Electric Vehicles: Driving a Sustainable Future’ program took out the award for Innovation in Planning, Policies and Decision Making, while the ‘Smart LED Streetlighting Project’ won the Towards Net Zero Emissions category.
These exciting projects, created as part of the City’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy demonstrate City of Parramatta’s leadership in environmental planning and performance and have already delivered benefits to our community including reducing emissions, pollution, and creating new economic opportunities for our City.
Collaborative projects
(Back to top)The City of Parramatta works in close collaboration with leading experts, professionals and peak bodies to make sure that our plans for the City meet the current and future needs of our diverse communities.
Defining sustainability
(Back to top)Our environment defines how we live and what we do. It’s the spaces we play in, and the place we build. It’s how we get around, and the community around us. It’s where we work and where we call home.
Environmental sustainability is maintaining all the things we love about where we live, work and play. It’s about preserving everything that make our City great, even as it grows. It is the landscape on which we seek to grow Australia’s next great city, by bringing together nature, transport and a better built environment for the benefit of all.
For more information
(Back to top)Contact the Customer Service Centre on 02 9806 5050 or