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Night City

Sydney’s Central City – open late for business

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This is an exciting time for the City of Parramatta. We are experiencing an unprecedented level of resident, worker, student and visitor population growth, and a record level of investment into Sydney’s Central City.

While we are already the second largest night time economy by turnover in Greater Sydney and the third largest in New South Wales, we need to do more to ensure the long term prosperity and continued investment in our night time economy and ensure that Parramatta City Centre is delivering a diverse night time offer that meets the needs of the emerging 24/7 economy.

We need to lay the foundations to transition our City Centre into a true 24-hour centre, with a greater mix of things to see, do and explore, meeting the emerging and future needs of our communities.

Parramatta Night City Framework 2020-2024

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On 10 February 2020, Council resolved to endorse a 5-year night time economy strategy for the City of Parramatta, the Parramatta Night City Framework 2020-2024 (PNCF).

The PNCF contains over 80 actions for Council across 6 focus areas:

Focus 1 – Planning for a future 24-hour Parramatta City Centre and late trading centres
Focus 2 – Parramatta as a centre of late-night business, leisure and culture
Focus 3 – A night city supported by infrastructure
Focus 4 – Promoting Parramatta as a thriving night time destination
Focus 5 – Keeping our city safe and engaging our community
Focus 6 – Parramatta as a leading night city

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