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Night City

Guide for establishing and managing night time economy uses

Parramatta Lanes, Photo by George Gittany

Parramatta Lanes. Photo by George Gittany

Opening a business at night is exciting but navigating the planning and licensing systems can be challenging.

In July 2024, Council introduced new Late Night Trading Controls to form Part 10 of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023. These controls apply to new late night trading venues within Parramatta City Centre and provide guidance on things like business trading hours, trial periods, acoustic controls and Plan of Management requirements. For more information, please also see Council’s User Guide for Businesses and Frequently Asked Questions.

For any late night venue outside of the Parramatta City Centre, these will still be allowed, and will be considered on a case by case basis having regard to an individual proposal, its location and any surrounding uses. 

Get in touch


If you have any questions on whether you need a development application for your proposed activity, you can get in touch with our Development Advisory Service on 02 9806 5050 or


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