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Leading by Example

Waste and Resource Recovery

Why is this important?

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Council uses a wide range of products in its day-to-day operations, including construction.

We have set an ambitious community waste diversion target. To lead by example, we want to demonstrate leading practice within our own operations.

Council has repurposed over 4,000 banner bags for community members through Parramatta City Library. Over 5,000 lights and 695kg of toner cartridges have been recycled from Council facilities since 2013.

In 2015/16 we recycled 2,580t soil/ rubble, 2,425t asphalt and 3,370t concrete. Council also purchased 6,970t recycled soil and 840t recycled road base.

This means we want to work with all areas of Council operations to ensure that we minimise the generation of waste and maximise reuse and resource recovery.

90% diversion rate for Council waste by 2038

What we’re already doing

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  • Implementing staff recycling at Council facilities
  • Providing E-waste recycling
  • Working with suppliers and contractors to minimise waste and ensure proper recycling and disposal
  • Conversion of street banners into banner bags for events ad sale through Council libraries
  • Piloting of a screening and reuse scheme for construction and demolition waste at Council’s Operations Centre
  • Food organics separation, composting and reuse in vegetable gardens at the Rydalmere Operations Centre

Our actions (1-4 years)

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  • Introduce requirements into all capital and civil works tenders to require reuse and recycling of waste and reporting on diversion rates
  • Ensure all waste contracts enable tracking and reporting of waste streams
  • Work with staff to improve resource recovery
  • Develop a business case to procure screenings and sorting equipment for civil works at Council’s Operations Centre
  • Investigate systems to divert food waste from the general waste stream
  • Collect and report on data from all corporate waste streams
  • Increase staff understanding of waste avoidance, disposal options and contamination

For more information

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Contact the Customer Service Centre on 9806 5050 or


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