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Please be advised that the Online Services portal will be undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable from Saturday 20 April 2024 to Sunday 21 April 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Please be advised that the Online Services portal will be undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable from Saturday 20 April 2024 to Sunday 21 April 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Food Businesses

This section applies to development applications for:

  • new food business, including, but not limited to restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, butchers, fish shops, packaged food outlets, and canteens
  • amendments to existing food businesses that will affect waste generation and/or management.

In addition to the requirements set out for All Commercial Developments, food businesses will also need to submit a Waste Management Plan that meets the requirements outlined below.


Design, construction and fit out of all waste facilities must comply with AS 4674 – 2004 Design, Construction and Fit-out of Food Premises.

A grease trap must be provided for all premises, except for temporary premises and those only providing pre-packaged food. The grease trap must be located away from food preparation, storage and packaging areas. Access to the grease trap for emptying must not be through these areas. A trade waste agreement with Sydney Water must be acquired before discharge of any waste water to the sewer system, including grease trap waste.

A garbage storage area or designated garbage room is to be provided on the premises and must be capable of accommodating all waste generated on the premises for at least one day.

If an external garbage storage area is to be provided, it must be:

  • provided with a hose tap connected to a water supply
  • paved with an impervious material
  • graded and drained to an approved waste disposal system.

If a designated garbage room is to be provided, it must be:

  • provided with a hose tap connected to a water supply
  • consist of impervious floors and walls
  • be coved at the intersection of the floor and walls
  • graded and drained to floor waste connected to sewer
  • sufficiently ventilated and well lit
  • proofed against pests.

If the premises produces more than 50L per day of meat, fish or poultry waste, waste must be collected daily or stored in a refrigerated garbage room until collection.

If the premises is to produce waste cooking oil, an appropriate private waste contractor is to be engaged for its collection. A bunded, covered area is to be provided on the premises for the storage of waste oil.

Garbage must be removed with sufficient frequency so as to avoid nuisance from pests and odours with bins regularly being cleaned in an area that drains to sewer.

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