In May 2016, the new City of Parramatta LGA was created from parts of the former council areas of Auburn, Holroyd, Hornsby, Parramatta and The Hills. As a result, different planning controls applied to different parts of the LGA.
Council reviewed the multiple land use plans that applied to different parts of the City of Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA) under the Land Use Planning Harmonisation process. The aim of this work was to create a single Local Environmental (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) to apply to the whole LGA. The objective of the Land Use Planning Harmonisation process was to create a clear and more consistent set of planning controls for the whole LGA.
The Land Use Planning Harmonisation process was made up of the following components that were led by Council, as shown in the diagram below.
Land Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper
Council prepared the Land Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper) as the first stage of the harmonisation review process. The Discussion Paper identified the differences between the existing LEPs and DCPs that currently apply in the City and suggested options for how local planning controls could be consolidated (or ‘harmonised’).
The Discussion Paper informed the policy direction for the draft Harmonisation LEP and DCP with the focus on creating a consistent set of planning controls for the whole LGA.
Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023
On 2 March 2023, the Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) finalised the Harmonisation Planning Proposal, known as the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023. This means that the five former LEPs are replaced by the new Parramatta LEP 2023.
A copy of the LEP instrument is available to view via the NSW Legislation webpage here.
The finalisation of the Parramatta LEP 2023 is a significant milestone in the growth and evolution of our City.
Following Council boundary changes in May 2016, the City of Parramatta inherited parts of the former council areas of Auburn, Holroyd, Hornsby, Parramatta, and The Hills. This resulted in different rules applying to different parts of the LGA, with five Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) in effect.
Council prepared the Harmonisation Planning Proposal with draft LEP controls to harmonise the existing five LEPs. The intent of the Planning Proposal was not to propose any major changes to zoning or increases to density controls.
The Planning Proposal and supporting documents were publicly exhibited from 31 August 2020 to 12 October 2020. The exhibition materials are still available for viewing on Council’s Participate Parramatta engagement portal.
Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 replaces the five previous LEPs that applied to land in the City, and is the primary planning document for guiding development and land use decisions made by Council.
Were any changes made to the Parramatta LEP 2023 as part of its finalisation?
In finalising the LEP, the Department made some key policy changes to the version that was adopted by Council in 12 July 2021:
- Dual Occupancy Prohibition Areas – The Department supported the prohibition of dual occupancy development in existing prohibition areas and the expansion of dual occupancy prohibitions areas in HCAs (excluding South Parramatta HCA). However, Council’s proposal to expand the dual occupancy prohibition area through the suburbs of Dundas, Dundas Valley, Oatlands, and parts of Eastwood and Epping was not supported. As a consequence of an amendment outside of the Harmonisation process, there are 89 lots on the north side of Carlingford Road, Epping that have also been removed from the prohibition areas consistent with Council’s resolution. In addition, the Department retained the prohibition of subdivision of dual occupancy in land from the Parramatta (Former The Hills area).
- Standardised Minimum Lot Sizes (MLS) for battle-axe lots – The Department did not support Council’s endorsed approach to standardise battle-axe lot MLS to 670 sqm across the LGA consistent with Parramatta LEP 2011. The Department advised that there were concerns with reduced net loss in residential lots in former Hornsby LGA and that there were no existing provisions for battle axe lots in other legacy LEPs other than Parramatta LEP 2011. As a consequence of this policy change, the standard MLS applicable is subject to the MLS map however if a lot is a battle-axe lot or other lot with an access handle, then the area of the access handle must not be included in calculating the lot size.
- Standardised Floor Space Ratio (FSR) and Height of Building (HOB) for the R3 Medium Density Residential zone – The Department did not support Council’s endorsed approach to introduce standard FSR of 0.6:1 and HOB of 11m for R3 zoned land across the LGA consistent with Parramatta LEP 2011. This means that the various existing FSR and existing HOB controls for R3 zoned land across the LGA have been retained and carried into the new PLEP 2023. For ease of reference, these are further detailed in the table below.
- Downzone of some land from R3 Medium Density Residential to R2 Low Density Residential – The Department only supported the zoning change from R3 to R2 for land at Speers Road, North Rocks (6 lots – Item 11A in Planning Proposal). Due to concerns with reduced development potential in nominated areas and inconsistencies with Local Housing Strategy requirements for housing diversity, the Department did not support Council’s endorsed approach to change the zoning of R3 Zoned land as proposed in the Council version of the Harmonisation Planning Proposal for the following areas; Item 11B Campbell Street, Northmead, Item 12A Lawndale Ave, North Rocks and Item 12B Felton Road, Carlingford.
Summary of FSR and HOB controls for the R3 Medium Density Residential Zoned land.
For more detail and an explanation of policy changes, please see the Department of Planning and Environment’s finalisation report here.
Archived documents – Harmonisation Planning Proposal
On 12 July 2021, Council resolved to approve the Harmonisation Planning Proposal and Draft Parramatta Local Environmental Plan, with minor amendments, and forward it to the Department for finalisation.
The documents were submitted to the Department for finalisation purposes in September 2021.
A link to each document is provided below:
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal (Excluding Appendices)
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 1: Proposed Draft Parramatta LEP 2021
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 2: Comparison of LEP Written Instruments
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 3: Comparison of LEP Land Use Tables
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 4: Proposed Land Application Map
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 5A & 5B: Mapping
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 6: Quantitative Analysis of Proposed Amendments to Residential Zones
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 7: Summary of Changes to the Planning Proposal Documentation
- Harmonisation Planning Proposal – Appendix 8 & 8A: Gateway Determination and Alteration
- Local Planning Panel Meeting Report and Minutes 8 October 2019
- Council Meeting Report and Minutes 11 November 2019
- Local Planning Panel Meeting Report and Minutes 29 June 2021
- Council Meeting Report and Minutes 12 July 2021
Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023
On Monday 28 August 2023, Council adopted the Parramatta ‘Harmonisation’ Development Control Plan (DCP) 2023 – see Minutes from the Council Meeting (Minute 4480, page 13).
This decision followed Council’s consideration of a Council Report on the outcome of the six-week public exhibition of the Draft ‘Harmonisation’ Development Control Plan that occurred between 13 March 2023 and 1 May 2023.
The adoption of the Parramatta ‘Harmonisation’ DCP 2023 (which forms the Parramatta DCP 2023) will repeal the five DCPs that continued to apply across the City of Parramatta following the council boundary changes in May 2016.
The new Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023 came into effect on Monday 18 September 2023 and can be viewed here.
On the same day, the following DCPs will be repealed:
- Parramatta DCP 2011
- Auburn DCP 2010
- The Hills DCP 2012
- Holroyd DCP 2013
- Hornsby DCP 2013
In addition to finalising the Parramatta DCP 2023, Council on 28 August 2023 also resolved to make administrative ‘non-policy’ amendments to the stand-alone DCPs for Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West, and Carter Street. These are being finalised by Council and the Department of Planning and Environment, and will come into effect following this process. A further notice will be published advising of the date.
Alongside the preparation of the consolidated (or ‘harmonised’ LEP), Council prepared a draft consolidated Development Control Plan (DCP) for the LGA to harmonise the existing DCPs from the five inherited Council areas. The draft Parramatta Harmonisation DCP 2023 (draft DCP) contained detailed design controls and standards for different types of development to deliver a set of controls for development in the LGA.
In addition to the five former Council DCPs, there are standalone DCPs managed by the State Government in Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West and Carter Street that did not form part of the draft Harmonisation DCP. Administrative ‘non-policy’ changes were proposed to these standalone DCPs to reflect the council boundary changes. The finalisation of these changes are subject to approval by the Department of Planning an Environment.
On 28 November 2022, Council endorsed the draft Parramatta ‘Harmonisation’ DCP and updated stand-alone DCPs for public exhibition. The public exhibition extended from 13 March 2023 to 1 May 2023. To view the Council Report, draft DCP, and other exhibition material, head to Council’s Participate Parramatta engagement portal.
On Monday 28 August 2023, adopted the Parramatta ‘Harmonisation’ Development Control Plan 2023. This decision followed Council’s consideration of a Council Report on the outcome of the six-week public exhibition. To view the Council Report, draft updated DCP, and attachments (including the submission table), head to Council’s Participate Parramatta engagement portal.
Were any changes made to the Parramatta DCP 2023 as part of its finalisation?
In finalising the draft ‘Harmonisation’ DCP 2023, Council did not support the draft controls contained within Section 5.4.3 All Electric Buildings (see Section 5 Page 71 within the draft DCP via this link).
Whilst the draft controls will not be progressed within the Parramatta DCP 2023, Council also resolved to review the matter further and for an additional report to be submitted to Council to allow it to reconsider its position in the future. Therefore, this is a policy area that Council will be further investigating and consulting with the community on.
The Minutes from the Council Meeting can be found here.
Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021
The City of Parramatta (Outside CBD) Development Contributions Plan 2021 came into effect on 20 September 2021. This plan harmonises development contributions throughout the Parramatta LGA, excluding the Parramatta CBD and Sydney Olympic Park. View the Contributions Plan.
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