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Socially Sustainable Parramatta

Sharing the Opportunities of Growth for All - Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework

Sharing the Opportunities of Growth for All – Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework outlines City of Parramatta’s commitment to putting people first, in response to very significant changes across the City.

The Framework identifies some specific ways that the opportunities of growth can be shared equitably with all people, and acknowledges shared responsibility for social sustainability across all Council teams.

Cities that are committed to social sustainability are resilient, liveable, productive, sustainable places where all people can thrive.

Worker on cherry picker watched by staff



How do we define social sustainability?

A community is socially sustainable when the processes, systems, structures and relationships support our current and future generations to create healthy and liveable communities.

Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse, connected and provide a good quality of life for all people.

A socially sustainable community puts people first. Social sustainability is about strengthening the cohesion and wellbeing of our diverse communities to ensure that we can continue to work towards common goals, such as great quality of life, democracy and resilience, no matter what challenges we face. It is about investing in our individual and collective wellbeing, so that all people, including our most vulnerable, can thrive.

Objectives of the framework

In a socially sustainable City of Parramatta, the opportunities of growth are shared equitably with all people.

Goals of the framework

The Framework includes eight long term goals which define what Council wants to achieve as a result of implementing the Framework. Council will work towards these goals in partnership with its community and stakeholders.

In a socially sustainable Parramatta... In partnership, we will...
Children are our future.

Work to ensure every child in Parramatta is healthy, nurtured, happy and will thrive.

Diverse, affordable homes for everyone. Deliver and expand a diverse range of affordable, high quality housing that meet the spectrum of housing needs in the community.
All people can learn, share and grow. Facilitate formal and informal learning opportunities at all ages, to help people improve their circumstances, reach their full potential and share their own knowledge, creativity and culture.
All people can access a job that enables them to live with dignity and security. Secure and retain decent jobs and access to enterprise for all Parramatta residents.
Green, inclusive and safe places to share. Design, build and maintain public spaces and neighbourhoods that are green, safe and inclusive for all.
All people can live healthy, active lives. Improve health outcomes, starting with people experiencing disadvantage in our community.
We trust each other, are welcoming, and feel good about being here together. Facilitate social connections to foster socially and culturally diverse, inclusive and empowered communities.
We lead by example. Improve Council’s policy and practices to enable a more socially sustainable City of Parramatta.

For more information, email us at or call the Social Outcomes team on 9806 5473.

How will we track our progress?

City of Parramatta Council will be tracking its social progress with a comprehensive set of indicators to measure progress being made by Council and community on the Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework (SSPF). Developed in 2019, the indicator framework includes measures to understand social sustainability from multiple perspectives:

  • Our community (Our City)
  • Experiences of individuals (My Life)
  • Council’s contributions to advancing progress towards the eight goals.

For more information, download the summary document or full report below.

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