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Media Release


13 September 2023

Parramatta puts people first in mental health first aid push

The City of Parramatta has been recognised by one of Australia’s most prominent drivers of mental health for its commitment to developing a mentally healthy workplace that puts people first.

Parramatta is Sydney’s first metropolitan council to be awarded Skilled Workplace status by Mental Health First Aid Australia and only the ninth council nationally.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Sameer Pandey said Council employed more than 1300 people who played a critical role in the local community.

“We are one of the fastest growing LGAs in the State – and we want to ensure we are attracting and retaining the best and brightest to help us deliver services to our community and transform the City into a global powerhouse,” Cr Pandey said.

“That means investing in the wellbeing of our people and ensuring we have a mentally healthy workplace.

“Mental Health First Aid is just as critical as training staff on how to react if someone has a fall or serious medical incident. 

“I’m proud that we are putting people first and that more than five per cent of our people have now completed Mental Health First Aid training, giving them new tools to keep mentally fit and to support those around them to do the same.”

In the past two years, the City of Parramatta has expanded its Mental Health First Aid training to more than 70 people and is aiming to reach 10% of its entire workforce by 2024.

Mental Health First Aid Australia workplace engagement specialist Mary Dachs congratulated the City of Parramatta on being recognised as a Skilled Workplace. 

“With more than 5% of their workforce now equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise and respond to mental health problems, the City of Parramatta is taking proactive steps to reduce stigma and increase the safety net of support available to all staff.”

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