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On Exhibition


11 January 2024

Proposed installation of No Parking restrictions in Hill Road, Wentworth Point

Proposed installation of ‘No Parking 10am to 2pm First Monday each month’ restrictions in Hill Road, Wentworth Point 

City of Parramatta Council is proposing to install ‘No Parking 10am-2pm First Monday Each Month’ restrictions on the eastern side of Hill Road between Stromboli Straight and Burroway Road, Wentworth Point (see sketch plan here). 

The purpose of the restriction is to discourage on street parking on a certain day of the month so that the gutters can be cleaned effectively and efficiently. 

Council is consulting with the community and is inviting written submissions from residents, businesses and relevant authorities. Submissions must be provided to Council by Friday, 9 February 2024.

Submissions can be sent to:

Please clearly state your street address, corresponding survey reference number (TS 2023 43), and your opinion of the proposal (Support, Support to an extent, Do Not Support) in any reply you provide. 

If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact City of Parramatta’s Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer, Iman Mohammadi on 9806 5148.

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