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New waste collection service - FOGO

Stay up to date with Council's new waste collection service, FOGO, subscribe now.

FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) is a new way we can recycle our household food scraps every week, coming in November 2024.

City of Parramatta is excited to announce a new kitchen caddy is joining your household! Your new kitchen caddy will be delivered between September and November along with a new set of bins - red lid garbage, yellow lid recycling and green lid FOGO bin between late July and October - to replace your existing bins. Pop your caddy on the kitchen benchtop, line it with a compostable bin liner, fill it with your food scraps and empty it into your green lid FOGO bin.

FOGO waste collection services will begin from 11 November 2024 to residents living in single-unit dwellings and unit buildings <30 dwellings.*

*People living in buildings with more than 30 dwellings will be introduced to FOGO at a later stage.

New bin roll out

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Council will replace all bins before the new FOGO service starts. This is to ensure bins are the right size, have the correct signage and to minimise repair costs. The existing (old) bins will be recycled.

More information on what happens during bin replacement and the bin roll out letter here.

What is FOGO?

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  • FOGO stands for Food Organics and Garden Organics. It is a combined food waste and garden waste collection and recycling service. You can now recycle your food and garden organics with your new green lid FOGO bin. Anything you can eat or grow such as meats, dairy, bones, to grass and sticks can now go in FOGO!
  • A 240L green lid FOGO bin and 7L green lid kitchen caddy will be delivered to households for the disposal of food scraps and garden waste.

Why do we need FOGO?

  • To reduce landfill and the impact of climate change, the NSW Government has mandated all councils in the state implement FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) waste collection services.
  • The FOGO waste collection service will contribute to diverting the waste we send to landfill by 85% by 2038.



Green lidded kitchen caddy


What you need to know

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Between late-July and November 2024 if you live in a house, townhouse or a unit building with <30 dwellings, you will receive:

  • A new red lid garbage bin (80L) collected weekly
  • A new green lid FOGO bin (240L) collected weekly
  • A new yellow lid recycling bin (240L) collected fortnightly
  • A new green lid kitchen caddy (7L) for your benchtop
  • FOGO service commences 11 November 2024. 

Red lid garbage bin cost implications:

Bin Size Annual Cost Cost Implication
80L red lid garbage bin $457.85* Cost saving of $42.69 reflected in your rates notice
140L red lid garbage bin $500.54* No additional fee – cost remaining the same as is currently being paid.
240L red lid garbage bin $754.69* Additional cost of $254.15 on what you currently pay (based on existing standard 140L red lid bin service), which will be reflected in your rates notice.

*24/25 financial year

  • With food waste being diverted to your new FOGO green bin, you will receive a new 80L red lid garbage bin and cost saving which will be reflected in your rates notice 
  • Your red lid garbage bin will be reduced to 80L as food waste will be going to the FOGO bin. This will also be reflected in a reduction to your rates costs. 
  • Property owners can also fill in a digital form to confirm the preferred size of their red lid garbage bin. (Note – bin submission deadline date was 17 May 2024, therefore your request will be added to our second round delivery schedule).  


  • You’ll get increased capacity of bin space with FOGO! 
  • For renters who require a larger red lid bin, please contact your real estate agent or landlord by Friday 17 May 2024 for them to purchase a larger bin option on your behalf. 












Green lidded garbage bin

What is changing?
  • Bin Type Green Garden Organics bin Red Garbage bin Yellow Recycling bin
    Bin Size 240L 140L 240L
    Collection Frequency Fortnightly Weekly Fortnightly

    Current bins available through Council

    Total waste capacity across a fortnight is currently 760L.

    This will change to:

    Bin Type Green Food Organics and Garden Organics bin Red Garbage bin Yellow Recycling bin
    Bin Size 240L 80L 240L
    Collection Frequency Weekly Weekly Fortnightly

    New bin available through Council.

    Total waste capacity across a fortnight will increase to 880L.

  • With our new waste collection program, you’ll get increased capacity moving from 760 litres per fortnight to 880 litres per fortnight across the red landfill bin, yellow recycling bin and green FOGO bin – this is an increase of 120 litres!

      Red Garbage FOGO Yellow Recycling Total volume per Fortnight
    Current 280L (2X140L) 240L (1x240L) 240L (1x240L)  760L
    FOGO 160L (2x80L) 480L (2x240L) 240L (1x240L) 880L
    Change -120L +240L No change +120L


Still have questions?


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Red Lid Garbage Bin Request form

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Property owners can fill in a digital form to confirm the preferred size of their red lid garbage bin. (Note – bin submission deadline date was 17 May 2024, therefore your request will be added to our second round delivery schedule).

Key dates

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Word April and May in circle Property owners of single-unit dwellings are sent a form with the option to opt in to receive a larger red lid bin by 17 May. For renters who require a larger red lid bin, please contact your real estate agent or landlord.  As the deadline has passed, property owners can still fill out a digital form (can we link this) to confirm the preferred size of their red lid garbage bin. The request will be added to our second round delivery schedule.
Word late July and October in circle
  • Your new red, yellow and green bins are delivered.
  • Do not use your new bins until your old bins have been collected.
  • Existing yellow and green bins will be collected in the weeks following delivery of your new bins.
  • Green lid bin will remain on a fortnightly schedule until 11 November when FOGO commences.
graphic with text


Your new kitchen caddy and compostable liners will be delivered to your doorstep.

graphic with text
  • FOGO waste collection service commences.
  • Start to prepare your food waste using the FOGO kitchen caddy and then. emptying it into the green lid FOGO bin.
  • Present your FOGO and red lid garbage bin weekly for collection
Numbers 2025-26 in circle


FOGO service rolled out to people living in apartments with more than 30 dwellings.

Become a FOGO Champion

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Help your community embrace this great change and become a FOGO champion. You will act as a FOGO advocate within the community by offering to help people adjust to the new way we recycle our food scraps. Submit your interest here. We will be in touch to roll out FOGO with your support. 

Keep up to date

Stay tuned for more information! Council is here to help you on your FOGO journey.

Community Consultation
    • In late 2021 and early 2022, Council ran an eight-week community consultation campaign requesting feedback on the introduction of the government-mandated FOGO waste collection service.
    • The campaign included information about sending food waste to landfill and the environmental and cost benefits of separating food from general waste.
    • Four options for a new waste collection service were outlined and Council surveyed residents on which were acceptable and which was the preferred solution. 
    • A variety of methods and channels were used to promote the consultation:
      • an LGA-wide letterbox drop
      • multiple social media campaigns
      • Council's e-newsletters (City News) and Participate newsletters
      • Council's website and media release
      • Local newspaper display ads
    • On Monday 22 August 2022, Council was presented the survey and workshop results for consideration.
    • Council resolved to approve ‘Service Option 3’ to be specified in the future waste services tender. Service Option 3 is as follows:
      • Weekly collection of general waste in a 80L bin
      • Fortnightly collection of recycling in a 240L bin
      • Weekly collection of food organics and garden organics in a 240L bin
    • The reasons for supporting Option 3 were:
      • It provides a weekly collection, which was of high importance to the community in survey results
      • It recognises that on average, 46% of the contents of the red-lidded garbage bin is food waste and that this would be collected weekly in the green bin
      • It supports the City’s goal of diverting 85% of waste from landfill as per the endorsed Environmental Sustainability Strategy
    • Councillors also discussed:
      • The need for significant education and communication prior to the roll out
      • Providing opportunity for households to request a larger bin if needed (at a small cost)
      • Providing a service which balances the needs of different household types
    • To view the options presented in the survey, please visit Participate Parramatta.
    • Not sure about your bin collection day? Check the Bin Collection map.

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