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A-Z of what can and cannot go into the FOGO bin


  • Animal droppings


  • Barbecue Skewers (bamboo)
  • Biodegradable plastic bags
  • Bones (Meat and Seafood)
  • Branches <10cm diameter
  • Bread (crusts, stale or mouldy)
  • Building material


  • Car parts
  • Cardboard
  • Cartons, such as milk or juice cartons (including lids or caps)
  • Cat Litter
  • Ceramics
  • Cereal
  • Certified compostable packaging, cutlery, containers, cups, straws, stirrers
  • Charcoal
  • Cheese
  • Chewing Gum/Bubble Gum
  • Chicken bones, skin, scraps
  • Chopsticks (wooden or bamboo)
  • Clothes
  • Coffee grinds (without pods or other packaging)
  • Compostable liners that don't have the Australian standard AS4736-2006
  • Compostable liners with Australian Standard AS4736-2006 (for lining your caddy only)
  • Cooking oils/fats (small amounts absorbed by newspaper or mixed into vegetable scraps are ok, large amounts should be stored in a container and brought to a chemical clean-up event)
  • Corks (any type)
  • Curries (best if frozen)


  • Dairy products
  • Dental floss/pick (any type)
  • Dirt
  • Dog or cat faeces
  • Dust


  • Egg cartons
  • Egg shells
  • Expired food (without packaging)


  • Feathers (only fresh plucked chicken feathers)
  • Fish & Chip paper
  • Fish, bones, skin and scraps
  • Flowers
  • Food in containers (only food can go in FOGO but not the container)
  • Food scraps
  • Fruit, peel, cores, seeds and scraps


  • Garden Cuttings
  • Glass bottles and jars (including lids and seals)
  • Grains
  • Grass Clippings
  • Green/Eco/Calico/Hessian/Reuseable Bags


  • Hair, human or pet
  • Hay or Straw (only products made from clean wood, timber, hay or straw can be accepted. Anything made with super-absorbent product may contain plastic and cannot not go into your FOGO bin)
  • Household waste


  • Ice cream container


  • Junk mail


  • Kitty litter, clay, paper based or plastic


  • Leather products, bags, shoes and other
  • Leaves
  • Leftover cooked food
  • Logs, larger than 10cm in diameter


  • Magazines and glossy paper
  • Meat bones and skins
  • Meat scraps (raw or cooked)
  • Medical waste
  • Metal Tins and Cans
  • Milk (including non-dairy milks)
  • Mouldy food


  • Nails, human and pet
  • Napkins/serviettes
  • Nappies (including compostable ones)
  • Needles and syringes
  • Newspaper (for lining your caddy or wrapping food only, newspaper pages are accepted but not the entire paper)
  • Nuts, including shells and husks


  • Oil (small amounts absorbed by newspaper or mixed into vegetable scraps are ok, large amounts should be stored in a container and brought to a chemical clean-up event)
  • Oyster shells


  • Paints and poisons
  • Palm fronds and Palm tree nuts
  • Paper bags (except for lining your caddy - Recycle first)
  • Paper napkins
  • Paper or plastic condiments sachets (e.g. sugar, salt, pepper sachets)
  • Paper plates
  • Paper towels
  • Paper, shredded or dirty/oily
  • Pasta (cooked or uncooked)
  • Pet food
  • Pet hay or straw (only products made from clean wood, timber, hay or straw can be accepted. Anything made with super-absorbent product may contain plastic and cannot not go into your FOGO bin)
  • Pet poo
  • Pizza boxes
  • Plant cuttings
  • Plant pots
  • Plastic bags
  • Pruning <10cm in diameter


  • Recyclable items
  • Recyclable plastic containers
  • Rice (cooked or uncooked)
  • Rocks


  • Sand
  • Sauces such as tomato sauce or relishes (without packaging)
  • Seafood and shells
  • Seeds
  • Shellfish waste
  • Shredded Paper
  • Skin, fish, chicken
  • Soil
  • Straw or hay (only products made from clean wood, timber, hay or straw can be accepted. Anything made with super-absorbent product may contain plastic and cannot not go into your FOGO bin)


  • Tea bags
  • Tea leaves
  • Textiles, bedding, cleaning cloths, carpets
  • Timber (untreated, unpainted, uncoated <10cm in diameter
  • Tissues
  • Toilet roll, paper towel cardboard inners
  • Toothpick
  • Twigs and sticks <10cm in diameter


  • Vacuum waste
  • Vegetables, peels, cores, seeds and scraps


  • Weeds
  • Wipes, including compostable ones


  • Yoghurt


  • Zucchini

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