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Council recognises the importance of working with local schools regarding waste avoidance and resource recovery. The Council’s school waste education programs are in line with curriculum objectives and are available to all schools in the Local Government Area free of charge.

Veolia Waste Education Program

Council’s waste collection contractor - Veolia, offers an education program for pre-schools, primary schools and high schools. This program focuses on waste and recycling issues and involves school incursions by qualified teachers from waste industry backgrounds.

The program is designed to help the school community be waste-wise while supporting the curriculum outcomes. Areas covered include packaging, recycling, composting and worm farming.

To make a booking, please email:

Speaking 4 the Planet (S4P)

Speaking 4 the Planet (S4P) is an arts–based sustainability competition for high schools students. City of Parramatta has sent an invite out to all the high schools in our local government area to advise we a funding the 2023 S4P competition. The overarching topic this year is Edge of the Future and Council has chosen the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Responsible Consumption and Production. All entries and performances need to focus on the overarching topic and our local Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG).

The Speaking 4 the Planet competition invites students to present their views on the topic through these Arts media: 

  • Speaking
  • Visual Arts
  • Writing
  • Performance Poetry

Students can submit their entries through a portal that will be provided on the Speaking 4 the Planet website.

All entries must be submitted by Friday 18 August, 2023.

Other useful resources for schools

Those great resources below are developed by other organisations and groups to help school community understand and tackle waste issues.

War on Waste

Litter Free Ocean

Food Waste Warrior

Waste Free Lunch Challenge

Sustainable Schools

Visy Recycling

Upcoming events