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Why is this important?

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The millennium drought in Sydney changed the way Australia treated its water resources with many State governments attempting to ‘drought-proof’ their States with more permanent solutions such as grey and black water recycling, government rebates for home-owners to install water tanks and tougher restrictions on industries.

The total potable water consumption across the City of Parramatta is 22.7 gigalitres. In the City, 70% of demand comes from the residential sector, for irrigating our gardens, for household use and pool use. Industry and business accounts for the remaining 30%.

With an increase in overall growth it is expected our overall water use will increase by 50% by 2038. This means that the pressure will grow on the water and sewer networks. It also means we will need to be smarter with our water and find new ways to be efficient with stormwater and recycled water.

No net increase in potable water consumption by 2038 (based on 2015 levels)

What we’re already doing

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  • Drafted new planning controls for the Parramatta CBD setting best practice water targets for new developments, including a future-proofing dual piping requirement for all new developments
  • Delivered the Sydney Water Partnership Program for business in the Parramatta CBD
  • Provided rainwater tank rebates and information packs for residents
  • Advocated to expand existing or create new recycled water schemes in the Local Government Area.

Our actions (1-4 years)

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  • Investigate planning and development controls for higher water efficiency in our growth precincts
  • Work with developers and water utilities to encourage recycled water options in new developments and key growth precincts
  • Advocate for higher BASIX water targets for all new residential developments
  • Develop a retrofit program for existing buildings to improve water efficiency and cost savings
  • Increase water sensitive urban design and rain gardens in developments and in the public domain
  • Work with all levels of Government, Industry and Education to identify future technology and infrastructure opportunities for the local government area

For more information

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Contact the Customer Service Centre on 9806 5050 or


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