Parramatta CBD Planning Framework Review
(Back to top)The significance of the Parramatta CBD has been recognised in the State Government’s strategic planning framework for a number of decades. Its current recognition at the heart of the ‘Central City’ in the Greater Sydney Region Plan - A Metropolis of three cities and the Central City District Plan continue to strengthen the significant economic function of the Parramatta CBD and its role in providing necessary housing, employment, recreation and cultural opportunities.
To manage the significant growth and changes in the CBD as envisaged in the Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Metropolis of Three Cities and the Central City District Plan, Council is undertaking a major review of its planning framework that will comprehensively address the land use and infrastructure needs for the City Centre into the future.
This planning framework is made up of the following components that are being led by Council, as shown in the diagram below.

Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan
On 14 October 2022, the Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) finalised the Parramatta City Centre LEP formerly known as the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Amendment No 56). A link to the instrument on the NSW Legislation web page is available at this link and the supporting LEP Maps are available at this link.
The finalisation of the Parramatta City Centre LEP is a significant milestone in the growth and evolution of our CBD after many years of research, strategic planning and stakeholder consultation.
Were any changes made to the City Centre LEP as part of its finalisation?
In finalising the LEP the Department made some key policy changes to the version that was adopted by Council in June 2021:
a) Opportunity Sites – the Opportunity Sites control which allowed for a bonus 3:1 FSR for certain sites was removed.
b) Unlimited Commercial Premises FSR – the unlimited commercial premises FSR control in certain parts of the B4 Mixed Use zone was removed. However, the Department undertook further policy work. See this link to the Department’s webpage for more information.
c) Unlimited Office Premises FSR – the unlimited office premises FSR control in the B4 Zone and parts of the B3 Commercial Core zone was removed. However, the Department is undertaking further policy work. See this link to the Department’s webpage for information.
d) Community Infrastructure Principles – the community infrastructure principles provision has been removed (and base/incentive height/FSR maps merged accordingly).
e) Parramatta North – the area north of the river has been removed. However, the Department is undertaking further policy work. See this link to the Department’s webpage for information.
f) Phillip Street Block – the street block bound by the river, Charles, Phillip and Smith Streets was removed from the proposal and will retain its existing controls. However, the Department is undertaking further policy work. See this link to the Department’s webpage for information.
The reasons for the Department’s changes are provided in the Plan Finalisation Report.
Parramatta City Centre Development Control Plan
The Parramatta City Centre DCP controls came into effect on 2 December 2022. The new DCP controls can be downloaded by referring to Part 6 Parramatta City Centre via this link.
To access the exhibition documents or update on the project timeline, head to
Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
On 14 June 2022 Council resolved to approve the revised Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (Contributions Plan) for submission to the Department of Planning and Environment for final assessment and approval. The Contributions Plan was further approved by the Department on 14 September 2022 and will come into effect on 14 October 2022.
The Contributions Plan will apply to the Parramatta Central Business District and replaces the Parramatta CBD Development Contribution Plan 2007 (Amendment 5). A development contribution levy will be imposed on all new development with a cost exceeding $250,000. The levy will be applied as a percentage of the development cost as outlined below:
Development | Percentage levy ‘Area A’* | Percentage levy ‘all other land within CBD’ |
Residential Accommodation where the total development cost is over $250,000 | 3% | 5% |
Mixed-Use development (development including residential accommodation and other land uses) where the total development cost is over $250,000 1 | 3% | 5% |
Other development (excluding residential accommodation) where the total development cost is over $250,000 | 3% | 4% |
* Refer Figure 2 of the Plan
For more information or to view the Plan refer to:
CBD Integrated Transport Plan
An Integrated Transport Plan for the Parramatta CBD was a condition of the CBD Planning Proposal’s Gateway Determination (issued December 2018).
On 26 July 2021, Council resolved to finalise the CBD Integrated Transport Plan. On 3 August 2021, the revised Parramatta CBD Integrated Transport Plan was submitted to the Department and can be accessed.
Update to Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Plans
On 11 October 2021 Council endorsed the Update of Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Plans. The Update of Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Plans are key supporting documents to the City Centre LEP and establish a framework to manage the flood risks associated with new development in the City Centre. Links to the suite of documents are provided below:
- Update of the Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Plans
- Parramatta CBD Flood Evacuation Assessment
- Horizontal Evacuation Pilot Study
Planning Investigation Areas
As part of the CBD Planning Proposal process in November 2020 Council resolved to investigate the ‘Planning Investigation Areas’ (PIAs) for amended planning controls to be progressed through separate planning strategy/Planning Proposal amendment processes. The areas are shown pink and orange areas on this map.
Preliminary work on one of the areas being the North-East PIA (which includes part of Harold Street) began in September 2020.
Future work in the PIA’s is being considered in the context of the policy changes brought about by the Parramatta City Centre LEP.
Archived documents – CBD Planning Proposal
On 15 June 2021, Council resolved to approve the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal with its suite of supporting documents and forward it to the Department for finalisation.
The documents were submitted to the Department for finalisation purposes on 1 July 2021. A link to each document is provided below:
- Covering letter to Department of Planning
- CBD Planning Proposal (Excluding appendices)
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 1A: Extract of Relevant PLEP 2011 Clauses
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 1B: Extract of Relevant PLEP 2011 Maps
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 2A: Revised Proposed LEP Instrument
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 2B: Revised Proposed LEP Maps
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 3A: Links to Studies
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 3B: Overshadowing Technical Paper Supplement (April 2021)
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 3C: Alteration Gateway Determination
- CBD Planning Proposal – Appendix 4: Summary of Changes to the Planning Proposal
Summary of Council endorsed position on submissions received during the exhibition period of the Planning Proposal
Submissions received during the exhibition of the CBD Planning proposal proposed changes to it and, at its 15 June 2021 Council meeting, Council either:
- supported some changes,
- did not support some changes or
- saw merit in some changes to be investigated at a future stage.
These decisions are summarised in the Summary of Council endorsed position document.
Get in touch
(Back to top)If you would like to discuss any part of the Parramatta CBD Planning Framework Review or need further information, get in touch with our Land Use Planning team on 02 9806 5050.