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2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting

Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champions

Planting for the 2024 Parramatta Light Rail program is now complete. From April to mid-June 2024 we planted around 500 trees (21 tree types with a focus on native trees). Planting took place in Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill and Westmead in streets identified as potentially affected by urban heat and benefitting the most from new trees.

Residents who registered to become a Tree Champion have now received their confirmation and information packs and the 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champions Program is now closed. Please direct any questions about the program or report any issues with the new street trees to 


As part of the joint-program, City of Parramatta will be planting almost 500 trees in neighbourhoods around Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill and Westmead.

We’re looking to cool our neighbourhoods, improve air-quality and make our streets and parks healthier and happier places for everyone to enjoy.

What can I do?

Planting will happen in stages, starting in April 2024. Once trees are planted, they will be cared for by Council for 24 months while they establish. But we’re looking for tree champions who can report to us if a tree in their neighbourhood needs extra attention.

Each tree will have a special tag with an individual tree number that records the type of tree and planting details. If you join us as a tree champion for your neighbourhood, your job will be to monitor the trees allocated to you, take note of any trees that need help and drop us an email. 

We’ll also ask all our official tree champions to do a formal check-in on the trees allocated to them at the three (3) months mark and send us a picture of each tree.

As an official Tree Champion, when you send in your formal check-in pics for your trees, we’ll send you a $50 gift card.

Our 2024 PLR Tree Champions for this phase of planting have now been selected. Please direct any questions about the program to

2024 PLR Tree Planting locations
Frequently Asked Questions
  • This joint Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and City of Parramatta Council project began in 2019 with a pilot project aimed at testing how advanced trees could be delivered as part of an initiative to expand the urban tree canopy in our City.

    While TfNSW has its own planting program the tree types and proposed planting locations for the joint-program are guided by Council’s tree team who have selected tree species most suited to the local environment and determined locations based on the areas that would benefit most from additional tree canopy. 

    The joint-program is being delivered in stages. In 2019, 120 new trees were planted in North Parramatta and Westmead – some of these are now more than 4m tall. Learn more about this planting season.

    In 2022, trees were planted in a range of parks and reserves across the City, with 335 semi-advanced trees. Learn more about this planting season.

    In 2023, more than 1,000 street trees were planted in areas including Carlingford, Dundas, Oatlands, Rydalmere and Telopea.

    In 2024, a further 500 trees will be planted in City streets and parks as part of the joint program.

  • Trees are valuable assets and play an essential role in helping to cool the city, improve the air quality, support local habitat, reduce the impact of stormwater, and make the city attractive, healthy, and sustainable.

    Through construction of the Parramatta Light Rail and a number of other projects, our tree canopy has been reduced.

    The 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting program is one initiative to green our City. Learn more about other planting programs.

  • As part of the Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting program, Council will be planting 500 trees in areas including Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill, and Westmead.

    These areas have been identified as some of the most vulnerable to the impacts of urban heat in our Local Government Area and the most likely to benefit from additional tree canopy. Tree planting will provide more shade; help reduce urban heat, particularly in summer; create more attractive neighbourhoods and improve air quality. For details on planting please see 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting page.

  • Planting will start in March 2024 and take place across the Parramatta area through to July 2024.

  • Tree species have been carefully selected by an arborist to ensure the most suitable trees are planted within each street. A variety of robust native and exotic species, both evergreen and deciduous, have been selected. There are around 21 types of trees selected for this year’s program. Trees planted in your street will be chosen to meet specific site conditions, with overhead powerlines, underground utilities, driveway access and existing trees in your street considered. 

    For details of the types of trees being planted, please see Tree Champion page.

  • Council will water and care for these trees for the next year to ensure they reach their full potential. Although, we ask residents to let Council know if your street trees need more attention. 

    To report any concerns around your street trees, please take note of the tree number on the identification tag attached to the tree(s) and contact City of Parramatta on email

    Council will also be looking for residents to act as Tree Champions. As an official Tree Champion you’ll be allocated trees on your street (or as close as possible) and be asked to monitor these trees around once a week and to contact Council if something looks wrong. Around the three months after planting, Tree Champions will be asked to take a photograph of each of their allocated trees and to complete a short report including a note as to the health of each tree. Learn more about the PLR Tree Champion program.

  • Trees and supplies for each stage of planting will be delivered daily with only minimal equipment on your street each day. This may result in minor disruptions. Traffic controllers will be in place if required to ensure pedestrians and motorists are guided appropriately at delivery times. If you have any concerns you can email us at email or contact City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058 and ask to speak with the PLR Tree team.

  • Each tree planted as part of the Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting project has an identification tag to help the City of Parramatta track tree health and development.

    We encourage residents to help maintain the well-being of these trees by taking note of the tag number and reporting any concerns to Council.

    You can call us on 1300 617 057 or email

  • All locations for the 2024 PLR Tree Planting program have been allocated. However, if you would like a location considered for the Public 4Trees program or other projects you can lodge a request via the 
    Online Services portal.  

    Requests will be reviewed by the Open Space Team, and if deemed suitable added to the Public Trees 2024/25 program. You can also email us at

  • If you would like to become more involved in keeping your street trees healthy, please get in contact with Council about ‘adopting’ a tree. Council will rely on volunteers to monitor the health of our new trees and to report any issues. You could become a champion for a number of trees in your street or your neighbourhood and receive a $50 gift card as thanks for helping our new trees. Refer to the PLR Tree Champions page or email us at for more information on becoming a tree champion for our 2024 PLR Tree Planting program.

  • For more information on the 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting program, please email or contact Council on 1300 617 058 and ask for the PLR Tree team.

  • For information about the Parramatta Light Rail project see the web pages below. You can also contact Transport for NSW’s 24-hour Community Information Line on 1800 139 389 or email

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    PLR Stage 1

    PLR Stage 2  

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