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Council News


13 December 2023

Community and Crown Land Plan of Management Adoption

The City of Parramatta Council adopted the 'Community and Crown Land Plan of Management' under Section 40 of the Local Government Act 1993 at its meeting on 4 December 2023 (Minute 4617). This adoption follows consideration of submissions received during the six-week public exhibition held between 3 July 2023 and 14 August 2023. 

The Community and Crown Land Plan of Management harmonises and repeals the thirteen plans of management that formerly applied throughout the City of Parramatta Local Government Area following the May 2016 council boundary changes. It provides a consistent and transparent decision-making framework for all parks and reserves under Council management to comply with the requirements of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Local Government Act 1993.

The adopted Community and Crown Land Plan of Management is now in effect and will be available at Council libraries and online at

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