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Please be advised that the Online Services portal will be undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable from 5:00pm Friday, 11 October 2024 until Saturday 12 October 2024.  We apologise for any inconvenience.


Please be advised that the Online Services portal will be undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable from 5:00pm Friday, 11 October 2024 until Saturday 12 October 2024.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

Rates, Fees and Charges

Schedule of Fees and Charges Explained

Goods & Services Tax (GST) 

This list of fees and charges for pricing principals has been prepared based on assumptions made regarding the GST status of each fee and charge.

Should the GST legislation or the interpretation of this legislation change, City of Parramatta reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of the fees stated by the amount of the GST.

Development Unit Fees

All statutory development unit fees are subject to legislation and may change during the period covered by this document.

Pricing Principles and Pricing Basis

A Public Good
Service provides a broad community benefit. Inconceivable or impractical to charge for service on a user basis
Zero Cost Recovery
B Practical Constraint
Service is a minor part of the overall operation of the Council or the potential for revenue collection is so minor as to be outweighed by the costs of collection
Zero Cost Recovery
C Shared Benefit
Benefits from provision of the service accrue to the community as a whole as well as individual users (Community Service Obligation)
Partial Cost Recovery
D Stimulus
A stimulus to the demand for the service is required. In the short term, only part of the cost of the service is to be recovered
Partial Cost Recovery
E Evasion
Charging prices to recover full cost may result in widespread evasion
Partial Cost Recovery
F Equity
The service is targeted to low income users
Partial Cost Recovery
G Economic/Social/Community Welfare
Service promotes or encourages local economic or social activity
Partial Cost Recovery
H Private Good
Service benefits particular users, making a contribution to their individual income, welfare or profits, without any broader benefits to the community
Full Cost Recovery
I Monopoly
Council has a monopoly over provision of the service and there is no community service or equity obligation
Full Cost Recovery
J Development
Fee set will enable Council to develop and maintain a service
Full Cost Recovery
K Contribution
Charges levied to compensate community for an increase in demand for service or facilities as a consequence of a development proposal
Full Cost Recovery
L Regulatory : Non-Fixed
Fee charges to cover costs incurred by legislative requirements where no community service obligation exists
Full Cost Recovery
M Regulatory : Fixed
Fee fixed by legislation
N Market
Service provided is in competition with that provided by another council or agency (private or public) and there is pressure to set a price which will attract adequate usage of the service
Reference Pricing
O In-House
Service provided predominantly for Council use but sale to external markets may defray costs
Reference Pricing
P Entrepreneurial
The service is a profit making activity and the price paid by users should recover an amount greater than the full cost of providing that service
Rate of Return Pricing
Q Penalty
Fee charges is greater than cost of the service so as to act as a dis-incentive
Rate of Return Pricing
R Utility
Fee charges for possession, occupation or enjoyment of Council Land, Public Land and Air Space by Gas, Electricity, Telecommunications and Water Utilities
Rate of Return Pricing


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