Own a Heritage Listed Property or Property within a Heritage Conservation Area
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Owning a heritage property in Parramatta local government area may require complying with the Heritage Act 1977. A local heritage item listed under the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2023 requires complying with Clause 5.10 of the LEP instrument. This means that any changes made to the heritage listed property must be approved by the local council. State listed Items may be subject to additional regulations.
Before making any alterations or excavating on a heritage property, it is important to seek heritage consultant advice based of the scope of works. The consultant can provide advice in regards the process to obtain the relevant approvals from the local council. A due diligence approach would identify and assess the significance of the property, in order to prevent and mitigate the expected impact to ensure that any changes made to the property do not harm its heritage significance and are in line with the heritage conservation guidelines.
Minor maintenance work and most interior works that do not affect the structure of the building can be conducted under Part 5.10 (3) of Parramatta LEP 2023. Submitting a Heritage Minor Works Application is mandatory to apply for local heritage fund incentives. If the proposed works are beyond the scope of a Heritage Minor Work Application, this would indicate a Development Application is required. Once approval for the proposed work is granted and the work is completed, you have the option to apply for a Local Heritage Fund Application.
We strongly recommend making a booking for a pre-lodgement meeting before commencing any changes to clarify if you require Heritage Minor Work or Development Application (DA) approval.
Buy and Sell a Heritage Listed Property or Property within a Heritage Conservation Area
(Back to top)Buying a heritage property within Parramatta local government area requires careful consideration and due diligence. It is important to research the property's heritage significance and any regulations that may apply to it. It is also recommended to seek external professional advice before making an offer on the property.
Selling a heritage property within Parramatta local government area may also require additional steps, such as obtaining a statement of heritage significance, and/or the local council consent for works that have been carried out at the property. This is to ensure that the property is not sold under false pretences and that the new owner is aware of the property's heritage significance and any limitations on alterations.
Basic research
Basic research by property address can be done via the NSW e-Planning Spatial Viewer. This tool combines Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan controls and the HNSW online database.
Detailed information
Detailed information on most local listing and State heritage items listings are accessible in State heritage inventories (SHI). It is the online database on the Heritage NSW: State Heritage Inventory | Heritage NSW. The inventories provide information such as a brief history, physical description, Statement of Significance and photographs of heritage items.
Real estate agencies and realtors
Real estate agencies and realtors are encouraged to include basic research of the listing of a heritage property or a property within the heritage conservation area in order to provide information about the heritage listing and/or heritage controls the area is subject to (e.g., conservation area).
If the Section 10.7 Certificate indicates that the property is listed as heritage, it is important to conduct thorough research and seek guidance from an external Heritage Consultant. Heritage NSW website includes a Heritage Consultant Directory for heritage professionals and consultants.
Pre-Lodgement Meetings and Council’s Heritage Advisor
If you require a meeting with Council’s Heritage Advisor, a pre-lodgment meeting is strongly recommended before lodging a development application. Council’s Heritage Advisor will generally provide the information below at Pre-Lodgement:
- whether changes to heritage properties need Council approval.
- whether the changes are consistent with Council’s development controls; and
- what information will be required to accompany a development application.