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Recycling Bin

Your current recycling bin service will not be affected by the recent decision by China to restrict the import of recycled materials from Australia. Please continue to recycle right.


Each household in the City of Parramatta Local Government Area is provided with one 240 litre, yellow-lid recycle bin that is emptied fortnightly on the same day as the garbage collection. The recyclables collected are then sent to the Visy Material Recovery Facility in Smithfield where they are sorted and recycled into new products.

Every day, you are helping to reduce waste to landfill and save our natural resources by recycling. Each year, our community recycles approximate 12,000 tonnes of material via the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

Here is what you can and cannot put into your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

You can recycle these items:

  • paper, cartons and cardboard (flattened) 
  • steel, aerosol and aluminium cans
  • plastic bottles and containers
  • glass bottles and jars.
Examples of what can be recycled

You can't recycle these items:

City of Parramatta Recycling Items Non Permitted

Did you know?

Plastic bags, cling wraps and any soft plastics packaging are not accepted in the yellow-lidded recycling bin as they jam up the machines in the recycling facility. They should be placed in your red-lidded waste bin.

Recycle Right

It is important to recycle right. Incorrect items put in the recycling bin could ruin the whole truck load of recyclables or break the sorting machinery at the recycling plant. This results in the need to remove recycling service from households who repeatedly contaminated their recycling bin.

The following education resources have been developed and provided free of charge to help residents to recycle right. You can download the digital copies below. If you would like to have the hardcopies, please email us at or call 02 9806 5050.

Items Description
Bin Bay Sign

A2 sized hard plastic signage designed to be affixed to common bin bay area in apartment blocks. Not for houses or duplexes 42 x 62 cm

Waste Service Guide

A5 sized brochure 15x21cm

140L and 240L Garbage Bin Sticker

Garbage bin lid sticker for both houses and units 20x20cm

240L Recycling Bin Sticker

Recycling bin lid sticker for both houses and units
660L and 1100L Garbage Bin Sticker Garbage bin sticker for large communal bins in high-rise or large apartment blocks 90x60cm
660L and 1100L Recycling Bin Sticker Recycling bin sticker for large communal bins in high-rise or large apartment blocks 90x60cm

Here are some videos developed by the NSW Environment Protection Agency to help to residents with recycling the right way. 

Keep it simple

Arabic subtitles
Chinese subtitles
Farsi subtitles
Hindi subtitles
Vietnamese subtitles

Keep out soft plastics

Arabic subtitles
Chinese subtitles
Farsi subtitles
Hindi subtitles
Vietnamese subtitles

Need help with recycling?
Council conducts random bin inspections to help residents recycle right

Green recycling tag - you are a recycling champion.
 If you have received a green smiley tag on your recycling bin,
well done and thank you for recycling everything correctly.
Recycling red tag - Contamination notice
If you find a red Contamination Notice Tag,
there were some mistakes with your recycling.
Please read the tag carefully so you'll know
what to do next time.
Council recycling inspector holding red and green tags

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