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James Hardie Legacy Sites

FS Garside Park

Latest News April 2024

The excitement is starting to build. The incredible remediation and redesign work at F.S Garside is coming to an end, and soon this completely transformed multi-purpose park will be open for all to enjoy.

The highly-complex construction project has taken around two years. Following a detailed environmental management plan, more than 15,600 tonnes of contaminated soil was removed, and with the site made safe the fun stuff began. 

The BMX pump track was created, the flying fox and playground equipment was installed, and the design for the dog park, sports facilities, grandstand and more came to life. More than 144 trees, 162 shrubs & 27,500 groundcover plants have greened the site - all predominantly Australian natives. 

The project reached a major milestone in April with the turf being laid to complete the sports field. More than 16700 m2 of turf will now be cultivated and cared for to ensure the community will be able to play on well-established and durable grass sports fields.  

Contractors are working towards completing construction by the middle of the year, weather permitting, with an official opening celebration being planned. Stay tuned for details.


More information

Call Council on 1300 617 058 or email

For more information on the FS Garside Park upgrade, see Participate Parramatta  


NSW Government Logo

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with City of Parramatta. 


Previous Updates
  • Work at FS Garside continues and while there has been some great progress, some unexpected challenges have seen the project completion date pushed back until March 2024.

    • Kerb and gutter works along Alfred Street, Gray Street and Onslow Street have commenced.
    • Cycleway works along Alfred Street are progressing.

    Within the park itself, there are some striking changes to the site with playground equipment installed and the landscaping work almost complete.

    • The shelter for the bleacher stand has been constructed and the seating works will be completed in the coming weeks.
    • Softfall works for the playground have commenced.
    • Ball screen posts for the sports field are installed.
    • Sports field fence work has begun.
    • Tree planting is underway.
    • Landscaping near Duck Creek is completed.
  • With some stable weather and sunshine, work at FS Garside is progressing well with works tracking to be finished by the end of December, weather permitting.

    Remediation at the site is now complete and work on the park itself has now begun.

    The majority of playground equipment has been installed and landscaping has commenced.
    The new playground amenities building and construction of the spectator bleachers has started and work has also begun on the multi-purpose court.

    There has been extensive planting alongside Duck Creek and soon the wombat crossing at Gray Street and footpath works along Parramatta Road will begin. 

    Within the coming weeks, construction work on the kerb and gutter along Alfred Street, Gray Street and Onslow Street will commence. 

  • FS Garside is progressing well assisted by recent favourable weather conditions.

    Remediation is nearing completion, and works are well advanced on the BMX pump track.

    The upgrade of the existing amenities building, and the installation of the new playground and retaining walls around the sports field are also taking shape.

    Unfortunately, in the early phases of construction, a combination of complex site conditions and inclement weather delayed the overall completion date of the project, with works now estimated to end in December 2023.

    In the upcoming months, work will commence on the construction of the road edges surrounding the park including installation of new kerbs, parking, footpaths, a cycle path along Alfred Street and turf and tree planting.

    Other works that will commence within the park shortly are construction of the dog park, installation of the multi-purpose sports court and the underground tank for water recycling. There will also be further construction in the playground precinct including installation of a new amenities building, barbeques, seating and picnic table settings.

    New soft landscaping works will include planting of new native trees, shrubs and groundcovers along Duck Creek and throughout the site.

    On completion, the upgrade of the park will provide a significant open space asset for the community.

  • F.S. Garside Park and playground and sections of Onslow Street are now closed. A safe-work-zone has been established by enclosing the entire site and remediation works have commenced. The asbestos contaminated soil present at the site is currently being removed and capped to create a safe, green, public open space for everyone to enjoy.

    Remediation works are being performed by licenced, trained, and experienced asbestos removal professionals and safe works NSW have been notified of the works.

    Following remediation, the construction of the new park facilities will commence, including creation of a natural-turf football field, installation of new sports-field lighting, a large playground, landscaping, seating, picnic areas and more. 

    Works are expected to continue until late 2023 and until these works are completed, fencing will enclose the area shown on the map. Work will be carried out from 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 5pm Saturday. For your safety, do not enter enclosed areas. Please follow directions from Council staff and contractors on alternative pedestrian and traffic routes.

    The improvements to F.S. Garside Park will ensure our growing community has the sports facilities, recreation area, play spaces and amenities it needs now and into the future.

  • Following extensive community consultation, a master-planning process, development of a Remediation Action Plan and approval from various NSW Government agencies, City of Parramatta has engaged Greater West Landscapes to remediate and deliver exciting upgrades to FS Garside Park. 

    Over approximately 12-months, FS Garside Park will be transformed to create a safe green space where everyone can get together and play.

    FS Garside Park closure September 2022

    Work at FS Garside Park will begin mid-September starting with permanently closing the southern end of Onslow Street (from 16 September), closing the playground (19 September) and creating a safe-work-zone by fencing the construction site including FS Garside Park. 

    Within the enclosed site, work will begin with the demolition and removal of any fixtures, fencing, trees, and equipment.

    Ensuring safe works

    Investigations at FS Garside Park have previously identified contaminants, including asbestos materials, within the soil beneath the reserve (see information below).  

    A remediation program will see soil removed from the surface of the park to a depth of approximately 30cm, and a protective ‘capping’ layer constructed to form the foundation of the new park. 

    This approach has been developed in accordance with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) guidelines for remediation of land, and also considers the flooding and drainage constraints of the site. 

    What will the new FS Garside Park offer?

    Over approximately 12 months, FS Garside Park will be completely transformed. Remediation and construction work will include: 

    • reconstruction of the sporting field, installation of lighting and spectator seating 
    • planting approximately 124 advanced trees, 120 shrubs and a mix of 27,500 ground cover seedlings and tube-stock 
    • installation of a nature-themed playground, providing places to jump, climb, and swing 
    • construction of a leash-free dog play area (with separate play spaces for big and small dogs)
    • installation of fitness equipment and walking paths 
    • creation of a youth play area, including a basketball court
    • picnic areas, seating and more... 

    For more information, please contact the FS Garside project team by calling City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058.

  • Latest News November 2019

    Maintenance in FS Garside

    City of Parramatta has received enquiries about park maintenance within the fenced areas of FS Garside Park. Council has engaged a specialist contractor certified to safely work on landfill sites. All works will be carried out to comply with all appropriate work, health and safety standards. Contractors will wear appropriate personal protective equipment and will carry out air quality monitoring during staged mowing. Regular maintenance will continue until the anticipated Masterplan works begin in 2020.

    For more information on work at FS Garside, please contact Council’s FS Garside project team on (02) 9806 5050.

    Installation of gas and groundwater monitoring wells

    In order to determine how to safely carry out further work at FS Garside, the City of Parramatta has commissioned qualified environmental consultants to install gas and groundwater monitoring wells within the park. Reports will inform the methods used to remediate the site and will help determine whether groundwater and ventilation treatments will be required as part of works to deliver the Draft North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan.

    While it is unlikely that a former landfill site more than 10 years old, like that below FS Garside, will be releasing gas at volumes that may cause concern, ground gas monitoring is required to determine safe work practices for Council staff and contractors who may be required to work in confined spaces during construction.

    The equipment necessary to conduct this monitoring, eight small wells for the monitoring of ground gases, and one tower well for groundwater monitoring has now been installed.

    While on site, consultants also took additional, targeted soil samples to allow a more detailed understanding of the conditions at the site.

    All works were carried out in areas of the park already closed to the public following SafeWork NSW health and safety standards for ground-disturbing work on a site where contamination may exist.

    Air quality monitoring was undertaken during installation. All result were within normal limits.

    Monitoring results

    Environmental monitoring reports will be used to inform the design of future park upgrades including any mitigation required to manage groundwater contamination and any ventilation requirements. These results and proposed works will be provided as part of the ongoing community consultation process for the Masterplan.

    It is anticipated that monitoring will be completed and a report on the results provided to Council in the next six weeks.

    Council has already received early results from the first round of monitoring. Initial gas monitoring showed that surface gas levels were within normal limits. Groundwater results are expected to be provided with the final report.

    Information about the final results of the gas and groundwater monitoring will be made available on this page when they are received.

    If you have questions about these works, please contact Council’s FS Garside project team on (02) 9806 5050.


Historic records show that FS Garside park, historically known as Macarthur Park, operated as a local landfill during the 1920s and early 1930s. It was converted for use as a soccer field by placing a deep compacted soil layer over the landfill and planting a grass layer over the capped landfill site.

In May 2019, Council commissioned soil investigations at the site as part of its planned works to upgrade community and recreational facilities provided in North Granville.

Consistent with its former use as a rubbish tip, soil test results indicate some areas of the park contain materials (currently buried beneath the soil) that may pose a risk to public health and safety if disturbed.

As a precautionary safety measure, Council has now closed these areas to prevent public access and minimise the risk of soil disturbance.

The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has also advised Council it now considers FS Garside Reserve to be a James Hardie Legacy Site.

Test results

Asbestos air quality monitoring results before, during and after the testing were within normal levels.

Soil testing has confirmed that asbestos and other contaminants are present in the soils underneath the reserve.

As a precautionary safety measure, areas within FS Garside have been closed.

Council will continue to seek advice from specialists to secure the most appropriate treatment for the site and treatment will be carried out as part of the planned Masterplan and park improvement works. Masterplan works are expected to commence in 2020.

Further information about the Masterplan and the proposed upgrades planned for the reserve is available from North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan.

For further information, please contact Council’s FS Garside project team on (02) 9806 5050.


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