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Governance of the Council

Advisory Committees

Council has a range of advisory committees to advise City of Parramatta on the views, needs and interests of particular communities in the Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA).

Committee Members

Committee members drawn from the community have experience or expertise in the areas defined by their Committee of interest and commit themselves to Advisory Committee responsibilities.

Terms of Reference

All Committees are subject to Terms of Reference, or Charter specific to each Advisory Committee. The individual Committee Terms of Reference have been reviewed by the new Council (elected in 2021) and are available below.

Compliance with Council policies

Committee members are required to comply with all Council’s policies, which may be updated from time to time, relevant to them in their capacity as a member of a wholly advisory committee.

How to become a Member

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are invited for Committee membership at the commencement of a new Council term. Any vacancies, which arise during the Council term, are filled by reference to an eligibility list, or where there is no list, vacancies are advertised on Council’s website and through social media.



Click Committee Names below for more information
  • Purpose

    The Access Advisory Committee’s purpose is to advise City of Parramatta on the access needs of people with physical disabilities and other people experiencing barriers to access in relation to Council policies, programs and services.


    The Committee meetings are held bi-monthly.


    Membership is open to people who live, work of study in the Parramatta LGA, and have personal experience or expert knowledge of access and barriers related to access.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.

    More information

    Tanya Owen
    Phone: (02) 9806 5599

    Read the Access Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference
  • The Active Transport Advisory Committee provides advice to Council on both strategies, policies and projects relating to pedestrians and cyclists anywhere in the Parramatta LGA)


    The Committee meetings are held bi-monthly.


    Membership is open to engaged and interested people that either live, work or study in the City of Parramatta, and are a member of a walking or cycling club, Peak Body, or User Group within the LGA.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.

    More information

    Michael Kolos
    Phone: (02) 9806 5383

    Read the Active Transport Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference
  • Purpose 

    The Judging Panel is responsible for the review, assessment and selection of award recipients.


    Meetings will be held in person at Council’s Administration Office in December. Alternative arrangements will be made if deemed more appropriate. In the event a resolution for each category is not achieved in the first meeting, subsequent meetings will be scheduled until the Judging Panel determine an agreeable result across all categories.


    The Judging Panel must be an odd number and not exceed a total of five (5) members. The Panel shall consist of:

    • The Lord Mayor (or their Councillor appointed delegate)
    • The Deputy Lord Mayor (or their Councillor appointed delegate)
    • The current Parramatta Adult Citizen of the Year
    • Two (2) citizen representatives


    Two citizen representatives of the Judging Panel will be selected through a public and transparent Expression of Interest process.

    More Information

    For further information about the Citizen of the Year Awards and Judging Panel please visit or view Council’s Citizen of the Year Policy.

    To contact the Citizen of the Year Awards team email or call 02 9806 5000.

  • Purpose

    The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) provides advice, input and feedback on environmental and sustainability issues in relation to Council policies, programs and services across the Parramatta local government area. 
    It is a key part of the governance framework supporting delivery of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy. 


    The Committee meets bi-monthly and reports to Council. Meetings will be held in Council offices, council facilities or on-site at environmental locations as required.


    Membership is open to a maximum of ten (10) independent members meeting the following criteria: 

    • Demonstrated skills, knowledge and capacity to strategically and collaboratively contribute to the Committee. (This may include career experience, paid or voluntary work with community groups, not-for-profits, or other advisory committees).
    • Live, work, study or have a strong commitment to sustainability and/ or the natural environment of City of Parramatta local government area.
    • Have a specific interest in furthering the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan, Environmental Sustainability Strategy and any key plans or actions that support environmental sustainability and our natural environment.
    • Availability to attend the bi-monthly meetings. 

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of the elected Council, and the Committee is dissolved at the end of the Council term. A new Committee may be reformed by the following Council once they are elected. 

    More Information 

    City Strategy – Environment Social Team

    Read the Environment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    The First Nations Advisory Committee advises Council on strategic matters and on projects of Council and other stakeholders. The Committee also raises issues important to local First Nations communities including the local Traditional Owners. 


    The Committee meetings are held bi-monthly.


    Membership is open to First Nations residents of Parramatta, Dharug Traditional Owners and those First Nations peoples who have other connections to Parramatta such as a historical connection or you work, live or play in the Parramatta LGA.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.  

    More information

    Sarina Solar
    Phone: (02) 9806 5050

    Read the First Nations Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    The Floodplain Risk Management Committee provides advice to Council on strategic matters relating to flooding anywhere in the Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA).

    It is a key part of the State Government’s process to manage the risks of flooding.


    The Committee meetings are held several times a year.


    Membership is open to engaged and interested residents within the LGA, as well as representatives of local business, and state government agencies.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with that of the elected Councillors of the Council, and the Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, and reformed once the Councillors are elected.

    More information

    Jim Tsom
    Phone: (02) 9806 8255

    Read the Floodplain Risk Management Committee's Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    The Heritage Advisory Committee advises Council on a range of heritage-related matters which are of relevance to the community and the Parramatta LGA including strategic issues, development proposals and heritage grants.


    The Committee meetings are held bi-monthly on weekday evenings, between approximately 5 pm and 7 pm. 


    Membership is open to people who live, work, study in the Parramatta LGA, and or are a member of a heritage organisation, have the capacity to contribute to the Committee and have a proven commitment and understanding of Parramatta heritage issues.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with that of the elected Councillors of Council and the Committee is dissolved at the end of the Council term and reformed once the Councillors are elected.

    More information

    Paul Kennedy
    Phone: (02) 9806 5093

    Read the Heritage Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    City of Parramatta established the Major Projects Advisory Committee (MPAC) to assist with risk management and decision making in connection with Council’s significant property development activities involving Council owned or controlled land. The primary objective of the Committee is to provide independent assurance in relation to risk identification and mitigation, advice on all aspects of Council’s significant property development activities and assist Council in its decision making (as a property owner and not a statutory authority).


    Meetings are held quarterly.


    The current three members of the Committee come from diverse backgrounds and skills, and over 80 years of collective expertise in property development, quantity surveying and legal services related to significant property developments.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.

    More information

    Pariss Armstrong
    Phone: (02) 9806 5473

    Read the Major Projects Advisory Committee's Charter
  • Purpose

    1. To provide advice, input, advocacy, and feedback to Council on the design and construction of the Parramatta Light Rail Project Stage 2 and supporting infrastructure within the Parramatta Local Government Area.
    2. To represent the views, interests and/or identified issues that affect the communities within the Parramatta local government area within the scope of Council’s authority.


    Meetings will be held quarterly.


    Membership of the PLR Stage 2 Advisory Committee is voluntary, and Council encourages participation from across the wider community.

    Committee Term

    The term of membership generally coincides with the term of the Council, and Membership is limited to no more than two consecutive terms, at the discretion of Council.

    More information

    The Committee Convenor is Anthony Newland, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design

    Phone: (02) 9806 8487


    Read the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
  • Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is legislated as the organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales under the Road Transport (Safety & Traffic Management) Act 1999.

    Council delegation

    In order to deal with the large number and range of traffic-related matters effectively, the TfNSW has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to councils.

    TfNSW has retained both the control of traffic on the state's classified road network and the control of traffic signals on all roads.

    The TfNSW delegation to councils limits the types of prescribed traffic control devices and traffic control facilities that council can authorise and imposes certain conditions on councils.

    One of these conditions requires councils to obtain the advice of TfNSW and the Police prior to proceeding with any proposal. This is most commonly achieved by councils establishing a Local Traffic Committee.


    The Committee is composed of four formal members each with one vote. These four members are a representative from:

    • Council
    • Police
    • TfNSW
    • Local State Member of Parliament or their nominee.

    The Parramatta Traffic Committee is an advisory body only, having no decision making powers.

    It is, primarily, a technical review committee that is required to advise the Council on traffic-related matters referred to it by Council.

    In general, Council makes the decision, however, the Police and TfNSW can appeal Council’s decision to the Regional Traffic Committee.

    More information

    Richard Searle
    Phone: (02) 9806 5642

    Visit TfNSW Traffic Committees for full details
  • The Traffic Engineering Advisory Group (TEAG) is similar to the Parramatta Traffic Committee, except that it only involves matters that do not invoke the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) delegation to councils.

    What it does

    The TEAG does not have the formal voting process like the Parramatta Traffic Committee. It is a technical review committee that advises Council on traffic related matters.

    TEAG also considers items where TfNSW maintains its control, such as speed limits, clearways and traffic signals or items for which TfNSW does not have control such as planning of future projects.

    More information

    Richard Searle
    Phone: (02) 9806 5642

    Visit TfNSW Traffic Committees for full details
  • Purpose

    The Policy Review Committee (PRC) is an Advisory Committee which works to provide advice, input, and feedback on draft Council Policies prior to their adoption by Council.


    The Committee Meetings are held approximately monthly.


    As per the Terms of Reference the Committee comprises of the following members:

    • The Lord Mayor plus five Councillors appointed by the governing body, and
    • The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance and Information Officer

    All Councillors are ex-officio members of the Committee.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.

    More information




    Read the Policy Review Committee’s Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    The Riverside Theatres Advisory Committee advocates for Riverside and its critical role as a major arts and culture attraction for Sydney’s Central City. The primary purpose of the Committee is to:

    • advise Council on the strategic direction of the Riverside Theatres’ performance program and venues with reference to Council cultural plans and other relevant plans
    • advise Council on Riverside Theatres’ strategic role in delivering Council’s vision for Sydney’s Central City as a culturally rich, successful, prosperous and destination Parramatta
    • advocate for Riverside Theatres as Western Sydney’s premier performing arts centre.


    The Committee meets every two months with a minimum of six meetings each year.


    The Riverside Theatres Advisory Committee is a voluntary Committee of interested arts and entertainment industry experts, community members, Council staff and Councillors.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of elected Councillors to Council. The Committee is dissolved at the end of a Council term, to be reformed following the election of Councillors at the next NSW Local Government elections.

    More information

    Craig McMaster
    Phone: (02) 8839 3350


    Apply online now  or  Download form


    Read the Riverside Theatres Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference
  • Purpose

    The Smart City Advisory Committee (‘SCAC’) provides a trusted sounding board and independent advice to Council, to guide innovation and to ensure the development of the City of Parramatta as a Smart City and an innovative Council.
    It is a key part of the governance framework supporting delivery of the Smart City Strategy. 


    The Committee meets 4 times a year and reports to Council. 


    Membership is open to a maximum of five (5) independent members meeting the following criteria: 

    • Demonstrate skills and capacity to contribute to the Committee; and
    • Live, work, study or have a strong commitment to the City of Parramatta LGA; and 
    • Have a specific interest in furthering the objectives of Council’s Smart City Strategy, as detailed in Council’s Smart City Masterplan and relevant experience.

    Committee Term

    The term of the Committee aligns with the term of the elected Council, and the Committee is dissolved at the end of the Council term. A new Committee may be reformed by the following Council once they are elected. 

    More Information 

    City Strategy – Innovation Team

    Read the Smart City Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

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